Blog's Game


the game rule is :

the person that has been tagged must write 11 things about themselve
they also must answer the question given by their friend who tagged them 
then, they must do 11 question that they want and tag 11 friend.
easy peasy lemon squeezy~

              the game start               

11 things about me : 

1. named by my mother and father <-- hehe,,
2. always wondering if there is someone that named like me. because my name is weird
3. didn't like to fight, but if some one asking to fight i am on
4. cat lover
5. hates, cockroaches and lizard. it is so disgusting
6. hate some one that act like he/she know everything unless he/she named GOOGLE
7. like acting like a real mad crazy and annoy people
8. always thinking of fun things without thinking the effect 0.o"
9. i really really love the nature
10. love swimmging an do camp things / sport thing (?)
11. friends sometimes call me M.R ( don't ask what it is )

i've benn tagged by kak tika so, 

1. 5 name orang yang kamu sayang sangatsangat .
a. My Family
b. Nurul Syamilah Aqilah
c. Nur Syazlin
d. Nur 'Atikah
e. Aimi Izzati
2. first thing yang kamu buat lepas bangun tidur ? :)
menguap and menggeliat
3. things that you hate in school :
Homework dengan cikgu yg suke bg keje
4. prefer single , or double :
Single + Double = Triple
5. worst thing happen in your life :
Kucing kite helen mati T^T

my question,

1. korang suke bela binatang ape?
2. single ke couple skang ney?
3. kalau korang di anaye oleh orang yg korng syng ape krng nk buad?
4. korang ade bela binatang tak? ape die?
5. orang yg paling korang minat?
6. orang yg pling korang benci?
7. warne kesukaan korang?
8. jwb ye atau tidak, mte korang mse exam mesti cm ney kan  (>.>)   (<.<)  (>.<)?
9. korang penah meniru tak mse exam?
10. cartoon yg korang suke?
11. lagu yg korang suke?

okay i want to tag these person~

2. hanis
5. fatin
6. syira
9. zakwan
10. najla
11. huda

1 comment:

  1. canteknyerrr blog kau!
    blog aq simple gilerrr!!
    tolong bagi edia nak edit blog aq
