xde idea lah Kawan


okehh, dry segi title, sudah pon terbukti bahwa NUR SYAMIN AZWIN ney,
xade idea nak tulis ape dkt blog. tapi memandangkan keje tade. so,ape lgy.
post arr.

but, ade satu bende nk ckp, pssst! >kite tetibe suke kat org tu balekk!< 
uhukuhuk. asal tetibe boleh suke kat die balek neyy! aha aha bukan A__M ye..
ini yg skulah kt skolah agame.. huargh huargh huargh. nme yg atas tu mybe org yg berkenaan tawu lah spe.
wuuuuuuu. xsuke xsuke. haha~ xsuke tapi xbenci jugakk yoo.. i am not a hater
so please. don't make an obviously FAKE LYING STUPID story mory bout me yaww <3<3

second, dalam cuti neyy mmg saye mengaku, bhawe sye x buad keje skulah lgy.
TEROK tul. keje skolah dh lh bnyk.. aduhh. WHO DO WE HAVE TO BLAME?!
THE TEACHERS!! <,,< no, actually the one that really have to be blamed is ME.
'ME' is a correct answer for that question.

okeh lah. mls nk tulis dah.. sbb dh xde idea.. serious dah xde idea. uhhh.
oky bye2 

assalamualaukum warahmatullahi wabarokatu.
peace no war. my name, it is my favourite colour.. huhu <3

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